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Verein INAYA Basel
Konto: 15-809915-6
IBAN: CH07 0900 0000 1580 9915 6 4054 Basel
Refugee women and genderqueer people experience multiple oppression in our society, which is also reflected in the existing solidarity structures in Basel. Up to now, these have mostly supported cis men.
This multiple oppression is also evident in other places. At the Federal Asylum Center (Bundesasylzentrum), for example, women and genderqueer people are forced into mass camps, which are particularly unsafe places for them to live in. Access to gynecological treatment is massively impeded or denied. Furthermore, women and genderqueer people are additionally burdened financially, for example because of the additional need for hygiene products. Since INAYA's existence, it has also become apparent that it is hardly possible for trans people to gain access to necessary gender affirming care in the Federal Asylum Center, as there is no counseling or medical support in this area. It is asylum-related and financial; i.e. nationalistic-racist and classist hurdles that come together here with a fundamentally cissexist system that make the psycho-social situation for refugee trans people almost unbearable.
INAYA therefore wants to act in solidarity with women and genderqueer people through direct action, and, as a network that connects people and organizations with people seeking support.
In concrete terms, this means that INAYA supports people in different areas of life and uses the networking with solidary doctors, interpreters or existing institutions, such as the Freiplatzaktion and the Transgender Network Switzerland. Such counseling centers put people in touch with INAYA when their own resources are not sufficient - and INAYA in turn organizes appointments with them together with the affected people when this is necessary.
The support can take the form of financial assistance as well as finding inaccessible information, accompanying asylum seeking people to specialized offices or organizing travel and translation. INAYA aims to refer to local networks and provide rent and financial security for housing.
INAYA is a state-independent structure carried by women and genderqueer persons.
By "women" we always mean trans, cis, and intersex people who define themselves as "woman" and/or "female." We use "(Gender)queer people" as a term to address (non-female) trans, non-binary, agender, gender-diverse people and all those who experience gendered realities outside of a strict binary (including colonial) logic. So: all people who are systemically, negatively affected by transphobia/cissexism and queerphobia.
Because, we are all affected by these structures - but for people who do not fit into these social majority logics, this affectedness has extreme negative effects. We provide this support also out of the conviction that gender is based on self-definition and take a clear stand against transphobic, transmisogynistic and cissexist categorizations.